At Lowther Family Law, Our Staff Are Part of Your Support Team
Divorce, separation and ending a relationship can be a very stressful and challenging time. It is important to choose a law firm with a dedicated team to support you. At Lowther Family Law our friendly and helpful staff are here to assist you every step of the way.
Whether it is scheduling an appointment, making a payment or checking on paperwork, we are here to help. At Lowther Family Law we scan and email to you all correspondence and court documents. The cost of this service is included in our fees. This means that you are always fully informed and have a permanent record of your proceedings in an easy to store digital format. We do not charge an hourly fee for the work of Lowther Family Law

support staff or Legal Administrative Assistants. Contact us today to get started.
Lesley Jeanne Durrant – Office Administrator
Lesley is a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, where she studied business and economics. Her passion is customer service and client care. Lesley joined the team at Lowther Family Law in 2008. In her spare time she enjoys writing and developing procedures and training manuals. Lesley finds teaching our practicum students both fun and rewarding.
Eama Melland – Legal/Human Resources Assistant
Eama is a graduate of Saskatchewan Polytechnic, where she received a Diploma in Business Human Resources with Honours. In her spare time, Eama enjoys reading, painting, and exploring the city. Eama enjoys working in all aspects of the firm. She loves learning new skills and is always willing to take the initiative on any challenge.
Richard Macey – Legal Administrative Assistant
Richard comes to us from England, where he has obtained a BSc Honours in Geography from Aberystwyth University. He is currently studying law at the University of Law and is aiming to practice law in the future. Richard enjoys playing lacrosse and football and has recently become an enthusiastic skier. Richard enjoys working in the fast-paced environment of a law firm and cultivating the strong client relationships which are possible with a boutique family firm.
Jeya Clarito – Part-Time Legal Administrative Assistant
Jeya has received a Paralegal Diploma from Vancouver Career College. Jeya is working with us part-time while obtaining her Paralegal Degree at Capilano University. She loves spending her spare time with family and serving the Catholic Church through a community group.
Sandra le Noble – Administrative Support
Joining the team at Lowther Family Law in 2009, Sandra prides herself on her common-sense approach and attention to detail. She provides valuable, solid support and is also fluent in Italian.
Miss Penny – Office Mascot
Miss Penny comes to the office every day with her guardian Mr. Lowther. She is a Yorkshire/cairn terrier and the official greeter at the firm. Her favourite clients are the ones that will throw the ball for her.
Qualified Professionals
Lowther Family Law also works with a group of respected, qualified professionals that includes accountants, appraisers, pension experts and business valuators. They may assist in resolving complex issues in order to reach a successful settlement.
Please call us at 604‑682‑6333 to schedule your initial consultation to discuss your case.